Last week I shared with my counselor that I have many good things going on in my life but am struggling to appreciate them, and I feel like I “should” be feeling more positive emotions. She asked me if I had heard the concept of mental margin? I had not. Basically we each have a mental capacity and then we have our...
I listened to this TED talk today and had to share it…so good! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. The happy secret to better work | Shawn Achor
You can do all the dreaming and planning you want and have the of best intentions each day, but you won’t move forward until you make the time to take action. One way to to improve the use of your time is to create your own “time crunch” or artificial deadline. Whether you plan an hour and a half or thirty minutes to...
Some days our actions flow easily and some days every step feels like pushing a boulder up a hill. On those hard days, making things happen requires more of you. Even things you might WANT to do! I read a blip about a young corporate executive named Lisa. She loved her job even though it meant spending a lot of time on...
Check out this TED talk for this week’s message (13 minutes): Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness P.S. If you want to experience how working with a coach can be one tool in building a good life, click the button in the lower right corner and we’ll set up a complementary...
When you are dealing with a long-term health condition, the obvious challenges come from symptoms like pain, fatigue, or neurological symptoms. This is known as primary suffering. However, living with a long-term condition can bring other difficulties, including stress, worry and low mood. Your health may prevent you...
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.” - Maya Angelou We often make mistakes because we don’t know a better way to do something. Mistakes are an opportunity to practice self-compassion, because you don’t know what you don’t know until you do know. (Wait, what?) 😂 Thankfully,...
Last month I started yet another course! 😂 One of my doctors recommended trying Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) to help manage my cortisol levels, so I found a free course and started it. If you are interested in checking it out, here is the link: There are readings,...
Do you ever procrastinate on a task because what you need to start it is in another room? Or see a suggested article or video on a website and click on it, then another, then another? Or not exercise because it requires finding your workout clothes and shoes? Changing yourself begins with changing your environment,...
Happy Valentine’s Day, Singles Awareness Day, Galentine’s Day…whatever you want to call it. 😂 We generally focus on others this holiday, but I hope you’ll take some extra time to love yourself this week too! Here are some journal prompts to get you thinking: What does self-love mean to you? What are three things you...