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Why Am I Doing This Anyway?

Everything you do should be an expression of your purpose. If it doesn’t fit, don’t do it. Explore your reasons for doing something, your “why”, and move forward with purpose! This is important in relation to your personal goals and especially your professional life. You will be more energized, motivated and resilient if you take care of yourself emotionally, physically and spiritually.

If you dread Monday mornings and live for the weekend, don’t ignore this sign that your job is not a good fit! It may be time to follow your heart and pursue the work you truly long to do. The first step is to identify what roles, positions or skills bring you fulfillment and joy. Think back to the times you felt the most happiness, asking yourself questions such as “What did I enjoy as a child? What activities do I enjoy now? What parts of my current job do I enjoy?”

Identify your personal values, ideals, natural gifts and goals. Writing them down will help you become aware of your passions and what might be your ideal job or career. Then determine your skill set and if you already possess the skills needed for your dream job, or if you need to develop something new. You could also find at least 3 activities that are part of both your personal and professional life and ask what abilities you have that allow you to do those things? What are you good at that you might take for granted? Be objective!!

A creative exercise that might help get you started is to think about what legacy you want to leave behind. What do you want people to say about you at your funeral? What would you regret not having done by the end of your life? Define a successful life for yourself. This will get to the heart of what is really important to you and how you want to show up. These are more than goals, but a way of being.

Need some guidance in aligning your goals with your life purpose and passions? Book a free discovery session to see how working with a coach moves you toward your ideal life! I’m offering a discounted four session package until the end of May so act now.