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Wednesday Wisdom and Why Coaching is Different

Jody Moore, a fellow coach, described life coaching this way and I love it:

Coaching is not therapy.
It is not counseling.
It’s not a good long talk with a friend.
It’s not a bunch of positive quotes and sentences.
It’s not a motivational speech.
I love all of those things at times, but coaching is not any of them.
Coaching is like a workout for your mind.
It’s a hunt to find the part of you that was always there but you lost sight of.
It will rock your world.
It will make you laugh, and it will make you cry.
It’s real and vulnerable and honest.
It’s direct and firm while still being kind and loving.
I’ve yet to find anything that makes me feel more alive than getting coached, listening to coaching, or coaching others."

If you want to experience how working with a life coach can help you find parts of you that are lost, or if you want to feel more alive, click the button in the lower right corner and schedule a FREE 30 minute, no-pressure call with me!