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Wednesday Wisdom and Exercise for Brain Health

This week we’re learning about exercise and brain health in my neuroscience course.

Here are some interesting highlights:

  • exercise increases attention and executive control in children (so schools that are taking away recess time in the name of academic achievement might actually be inhibiting it)
  • while exercise may enhance academic performance, non screen sedentary time had more effect (i.e. an extra hour outside school of homework and reading)
  • exercise protects against cognitive decline as we age, reducing the risk of decline by 35-38%
  • exercise may increase hippocampi volume which is related to memory performance
  • exercise is a Level 1 Grade A treatment for depression, making it at least as effective as second generation anti-depressants such as Prozac
  • while less studied than depression, exercise may be as effective as established therapies for anxiety
  • exercise results in immediate improvement in the cognitive function of younger adults, with the functioning directly related their level of fitness
  • exercise may reduce the risk of dementia by 1/3
  • a structured exercise program isn’t necessary, any kind of movement you enjoy on a regular basis is beneficial
  • strength and aerobic exercise combined has the most benefit
  • exercise alters gene expression which may lead to epigenetic changes (modifications to DNA that regulate whether genes are turned on or off) that cross generations

We are a mind-body system and so to perform at our best we need to take care of both systems.

P.S. If you want to experience how coaching can help you develop new habits like exercising, click the button in the lower right corner and schedule a FREE, no-pressure call with me!