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Wednesday Wisdom and Sleep for Brain Health

I just completed the last module of my neuroscience course and I’m SO SAD it’s coming to an end! I really enjoyed learning more about the brain and how I can apply the knowledge to improve my life and the lives of my family and clients. I’ll share more with you from past modules in the weeks to come 😊

This module was on sleep and brain health. Some learnings that stood out to me are:

  • The recommended amount of sleep for adults is 7-9 hours, although one hour more or less may be acceptable for some
  • Sleep contributes to the consolidation of learning and memory, we might even replay waking experiences while we sleep
  • Sleep loss is linked to reduced cognitive function and emotional regulation, and greater negativity
  • Sleep impairments are found in almost every psychiatric disorder
  • Post learning sleep enhances retention, even naps as short as 6 minutes are beneficial
  • The ideal nap time is 10 minutes for alertness and performance
  • Napping prior to extended sleep deprivation may mitigate the negative effects
  • Restricted sleep leads to reduced alertness andmicrosleeps” that can have devastating effects (ie Car accidents)
  • People underestimate the impact of sleep deprivation and overestimate their levels of alertness
  • We can’t “catch up” on 5 nights of sleep deprivation by sleeping more over the weekend, the effects on our reaction time don’t fully recover even after 3 nights of full sleep
  • Chronic short sleep may lead to brain injury and there is a connection between chronic lack of sleep and Alzheimer’s dementia

Sleep is often the first thing to be cut out when we are short on time.

P.S. If you want to experience how coaching can help you create healthier habits, click the button in the lower right corner and sign up for a FREE, no-pressure call with me!