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Wednesday Wisdom and Love + Work

In case you haven’t caught on, I love taking courses! I completed my neuroscience course the end of December and last week started one called Find What You Love that I had signed up for months ago but never started. It goes along with a book called Love + Work by Marcus Buckingham. This course is a lot less work and brain power 😂

I think the timing ended up being perfect because one of the things I want to focus on this year is finding what rejuvenates me. In the book he calls them “loves”. There might be a hobby or it could be something that I turn into a contribution, or “work”…which is what the book and course are all about!

I’m only a few chapters in but I’m loving it!!

Here are some of the ideas and quotes that have stood out to me so far:

  • People who are thriving have a chance to play to their strengths everyday.
  • “You can learn to identify those activities that excite you, where you feel at ease, at your best, pinpoint those moments or situations or outcomes that you love, and then learn how to weave them into what you do, every day.”
  • They don’t necessarily do all they love, but they find the love in what they do.
  • “Finding your way back to who you really are will be a lifetime’s journey”.
  • “What you remember, what you forget, what makes you laugh, makes you impatient, makes you angry, what delights you, what scares you, what calms you, what enervates you - it’s all part of a pattern you share with precisely no one. As you walk through life, the world you see is seen by you alone. Your reactions to this world are yours alone.”
  • To find your unique “loves”, start paying attention to what you pay attention to. Ask yourself:

What did/do I pay attention to or notice that others miss?

What came/comes easily to me that others struggle with?

The answers will clue you in to your “wyrd”, pronounced weird, which is an Ancient Norse term meaning every person is born with a distinct spirit.

I invite you to find a way to weave what you love, what you’re good at, into your every day.

P.S. If you want to experience how working with a coach can help you discover your “loves”, click the button in the lower right corner and schedule a FREE call with me!