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Wednesday Wisdom and Self-Esteem vs Self-Love

Did you know there is a difference between self-esteem and self-love?

If not, keep reading 😊

Self-esteem is basing your worth on achievements, abilities, life situations and feedback from others.

Self-love can be defined by these ideas:

  • You recognize your own value as an individual
  • You reject negative messages from the media and society in general
  • You accept and embrace all your emotions, both positive and negative
  • You break down self-criticism with positive affirmations​
  • You focus on self-appreciation
  • You’re mindful and compassionate to yourself
  • You’re forgiving, both to yourself and others
  • You focus on personal growth
  • You recognize your own potential

Basically, you accept yourself unconditionally!

Some ways to practice self-love include:

  • Setting boundaries
  • Forgiving yourself
  • Journaling
  • Meditation
  • Repeating positive affirmations
  • Making intentional choices that align with your values and goals
  • Regular self-care

(Source: )

Improving your self-love will benefit your overall wellbeing. I hope you’ll make it a priority this year!

P.S. If you want to experience how working with a coach can help you increase your self-love, click the button in the lower right corner and schedule a FREE coaching call with me!