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Wednesday Wisdom and Limiting Beliefs

What are limiting beliefs?

They are stories you tell yourself about who you are that hold you back from becoming who you are meant to be, or judgements about yourself that you think to be true and restrict you in some way.

How do you tell if you have them?

Think about the things you would like to achieve but aren’t working towards. Then look for the justification you find for not doing anything. The limiting belief is usually in the “why”. i.e. I’m not working on that because…

Four steps to overcome limiting beliefs (from Tony Robbins):

1. Identify limiting beliefs - they could be about the world, others or yourself
2. Take responsibility - your behavior determines your results
3. Let go of Certainty - it keeps you stagnant
4. Change Your Self-Talk - notice how your inner voice speaks to you

For more detail on each of these steps read the full article here:

If you can relate to this and want to experience how coaching can help you overcome limiting beliefs, click on the link in the lower right corner and schedule a FREE coaching call. You won’t regret it!