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Wednesday Wisdom and FEAR

Fear prevents us from doing so many things. Sometimes it’s useful, a lot of times it isn’t.

F.E.A.R. as an acronym has a few different meanings.

You may have heard these… Forget Everything And Run OR Face Everything And Rise

The one I want to share has to do with our thoughts: False Evidence Appearing Real

Our brains like to trick us. The sensation people experience in the face of taking action to achieve their dreams is usually not true fear. There’s no real threat of immediate physical danger, no threat of a loss of someone or something important to us. We just THINK there is.

So how do you conquer this FEAR?

You try something. If it doesn’t work, you learn from it. Then you make adjustments. And you try again until you succeed or decide to change paths.

And who knows, maybe you’ll try and succeed right away.

Instead of thinking “This might fail”, think “This might work. How can I make it easy and fun?”

If you can relate to this and want to experience how working with a life coach helps you overcome FEAR, click on the link in the lower right corner and schedule a FREE coaching call.