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Wednesday Wisdom and Confidence

Confidence is the feeling or belief that you can rely on someone or something, including yourself.

I recently heard the following story about Oprah:

She was speaking to an audience of about 17,000 people in Los Angeles, California.

Her presence was brilliant and beautiful and wise, but the most memorable part of the speech was that she fell.

She was slowly pacing the stage as a speaker does, when her shoe caught her pant leg and she fell, all the way down onto her hands and knees.

It happened so quickly and was noisy and the whole audience gasped. She appeared shocked. She remained on the ground for a bit. Her team rushed onto the stage to help her but she assured them she was fine.

Then she stood up slowly, picked up the microphone and looked out over the audience for a long moment. They were on the edge of their seats wondering how she would recover from what is possibly everyone’s greatest fear when speaking in front of a crowd.

And then Oprah said, “I wore the wrong shoes,” and kicked her shoes off and continued with her talk.

That is true confidence!

Confidence doesn’t come IF you never fall, it comes from what you do after you fall.

As you keep getting up you will learn that you can rely on yourself. And that’s who matters.

P.S. If you want help developing true confidence, sign up for a FREE, no pressure and no obligation coaching call to experience how coaching might be the answer! Click the button in the lower right corner to access my schedule:

You will leave this call feeling empowered that the change you seek is within reach! At the end of the call if you are curious about working with me, I will be happy to answer your questions and give you more information. Having a private coach makes your transformation FASTER, EASIER and WAY MORE FUN!

For more inspiration you can also follow me on Instagram @tarabillmancoaching!