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Wednesday Wisdom and Wildfires

Part of my husband’s job is to help fight wildfires during the summer months. While wildfires are certainly dangerous and destructive, there are some benefits to the environment as well.

Wildfires reduce dead vegetation, stimulate new growth by allowing important nutrients to reenter the soil, and create new habitats for plants and animals to thrive.

Today I got to thinking about the “wildfires” in our lives. Though our challenges aren’t usually dangerous, they can be destructive and even devastating. AND they can help us weed out the unimportant, stimulate new growth in areas that really matter and create new ways for us to thrive.

“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” - Napoleon Hill

If you want to experience how coaching can help you fight your wildfires. click the button in the lower right corner and sign up for a FREE 30 minute coaching call!