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Wednesday Wisdom and Playing Small

This week I’m participating in a 5 day “Own Your Future” Challenge put on by Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins, two amazing coaches. On the first day one of the presenters said, “If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them.” (Jim Kwik)

This got me thinking about the phrase “playing small”. Holding back our knowledge and skills doesn’t serve us or those we are meant to impact. If you find yourself waiting to be asked, paralyzed by fear, shrinking from criticism, hiding your voice, feeling defeated when someone tells you “no”, filling your days with insignificant tasks, or not telling anyone what you actually do then you are fighting for your limitations and they will stay with you.

Instead, DREAM BIG. Be willing to experience some discomfort, take risks and deal with uncertainty. Let yourself be motivated by what brings you meaning and fulfillment. Start to see failure as a normal step on the path to success.

For more tips on dreaming big you can check out this article:


And if you are tired of playing small and want to experience how life coaching can help you dream big, click the button in the lower right corner and schedule a FREE 30 minute, no pressure phone call with me!