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Wednesday Wisdom and It's Not about You

Stuff isn’t always about us.

One thing that has helped me so much as I have learned more about mindset is to remember that MOST of other people’s choices (actions, comments or judgements) aren’t about me, they are about them.

This helps me so much when I want to take things personally.

Kids come home late? They weren’t disrespecting me, they were having fun and didn’t want to leave.

Boss is short tempered and bothered? She isn’t trying to make my life hard, she is having a hard time herself.

Spouse doesn’t reply right away? They aren’t trying to be insensitive, they just weren’t sure what to say.

Roommates don’t clean up? They aren’t trying to make my life harder, they just didn’t feel like washing dishes.

The family isn’t grateful for the sacrifices I made for them? They aren’t entitled and unkind, they assumed I wanted to do what I did for them.

As I’ve been able to make things less personal, I’ve been able to see things in my relationships as they really are, not as I’m imagining them to be.

As I assume other’s positive intent, I am able to tackle and approach things in a healthy and productive way or ignore things that aren’t really a problem.

There is so much freedom in living this way! Try it, you’ll see 😊

P.S. If you want to experience how working with a coach can help you change your perspective, click the button in the lower right corner and schedule a FREE coaching call!