It’s that time of year when we tend to focus more on what we are grateful for than other times… “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger...

Stuff isn’t always about us. One thing that has helped me so much as I have learned more about mindset is to remember that MOST of other people’s choices (actions, comments or judgements) aren’t about me, they are about them. This helps me so much when I want to take things personally. Kids come home late? They weren’t...

I have been staring at my laptop while working in my election precinct today, trying to decide what to write about in this email that goes out tomorrow. A decent list of potential topics is stored in my Google docs but none of them jumped out at me today. Instead I decided to think of a way to relate voting to life! So...

Reframing is one of a life coaches biggest mindset tools. To reframe in the context of mindset is “to change the way something is expressed or considered”. The 3 C’s of reframing provide a simple way to remember the strategy: Catch it, Check it, Change it Catch It: First, become aware of faulty thinking, or negative...

Yesterday I worked with a client who is feeling a lot of anxiety. She is a manager for her company and there are layoffs coming up. She was told she is safe but her brain is still worried. On top of that she is concerned about the conflict in Israel and Gaza. This anxiety is causing her MS symptoms so flare up and she...

“The road to our dreams has many detours.” - Kurt Warner Detours have been on my mind a lot lately for a couple reasons… First, our city received a grant for road projects that have to be completed by the end of the year (or before winter hits) so there are detours EVERYWHERE! One day the street you normally take to...

Jody Moore, a fellow coach, described life coaching this way and I love it: “Coaching is not therapy. It is not counseling. It’s not a good long talk with a friend. It’s not a bunch of positive quotes and sentences. It’s not a motivational speech. I love all of those things at times, but coaching is not any of them....

Did you know failure can also be a reward? This is the case with procrastination. Procrastination is always about short term mood repair. When you feel negative emotion such as anxiety, fear or uncertainty around a task and decide to put it off, how do you feel immediately afterwards? Probably relief, right?! Failing...

Multitasking vs Task Switching When we try to do two tasks at once, the cognitive resources we have available for each task is reduced. In most cases we aren’t actually multitasking we are just “task switching” rapidly. This “switch cost” is up to a 40% productivity loss, the cost being greater when switching from hard...

Two weeks ago I started an Applied Neuroscience certificate program and I’m learning so much about the way our brains function! One concept that has stuck with me so far is the Progress Loop. This concept has to do with motivation. The brain can’t attend to your internal thoughts (default mode network) and accomplish a...